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Paradigm shift in global gay rights
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This is my "Feelings" regarding homosexual lifestyle...... In view of the Christian teachings on the subject of homosexuality, the profession is that this lifestyle if chosen in practice can never be of a holy nature if that is what the individual is seeking. Many in the homosexual community yearn to have their homosexual nature/desire validated by a religious umbrella as if to state, God made me this way so I must be ok. Or God does not create anything bad so I must be normal. And many homosexuals do believe in God. They are not Godless. I would pray and hope those who have homosexual tendencies find the peace they yearn for in life. A homosexual lifestyle lived is a hard road to take. We all must make choices in life on how we want to live according to the principles we were taught or embraced. Christians, believe God loves all those who consider themselves homosexual just as much as he loves all those who call themselves heterosexual. Personally, if asked, I would never tell one that to practice homosexuality is good and do whatever makes you happy. Christianity for us is to love everyone, regardless of the act or lifestyle they choose we consider immoral. Our message in spreading the Good News of Salvation is that Christ is coming to each of us ?no matter how wretched a person becomes in through their actions. The road to salvation is hard and the path is narrow if we can make it we will be rewarded for our courage to be strong. In many tenants of faith of different denominations, the human anatomy is looked upon as a beautiful piece of creation in its make up, intelligence and in its gifted senses. But for us the most sacred part of a human person is what it contains in its spiritual nature. A human person reflects what it is on the inside in how he/she relates. The heterosexual and homosexual who uses their body for sexual gratification reflects what state their soul is. For believers, to engage in a union that bears no fruit never benefits society as a whole race of people. It only serves the self-gratification of the individual who gives into the lustful they inherit. What sets us apart from the animal is our ability to reason in what draws us to act morally and responsibility as a community and to each other. Each species of humankind is a compliment to one another. The nicest way to relate this is the plumbing that was installed in each speices to create new life in the multitudes. It fits. For us the homosexual lifestyle is one that is contrary to the nature of what God intended the human body created for. This has been said over and over again. I know,.. but its one we never lose faith in. To abuse the body and manipulate it for a purpose other than what it was designed for is defiling it according to many religious beliefs. Many people of faith will never lose sight of their convictions no matter how many homosexuals argue or debate their cause to live openly as comparable to heterosexuals do in society. We don?t become defeatist in our desire to have our many brothers and sisters in the homosexual community come to know God in his holiness. Since our only goal is to be holy and pleasing in all our actions to God, we are on a mission to make this a holier place. Many would see this as a prejudice or intolerance, bigotry or hatred. Call it what you will, but that is not what we call it. We call it love for of fellow man in Christ. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3156]jade[/url] on 06-10-2009 19:59)[/small]
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