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Paradigm shift in global gay rights
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[quote]Oh, no! We can't have increased equality in our schools, governments, families, and children! That would be a terrible alteration to society! Much better to teach them to hate each other for the most idiotic and insignificant reasons possible! </sarcasm>[/quote] Who is teaching hatred...?? not I.....where does "HATE" come into the picture...??? You have choosen to used the word "HATE" to make your argument as to say all those who oppose gay marriage "HATE" gay people..do you know how silly, crazy, absurd and ridicilous this sounds...So all those in California who voted to uphold the ban on gay marriage...."HATE" gay persons...this is what your saying right? California then is filled with Hatred for their fellow man. The larger part of the American voters is what your describing. The voters are trying to preserve the marriage union of two consenting opposite sex couples....thats all.... in that its in no way equal in comparison to a union of two men/women. That is all. I oppose abortion...does that mean I HATE women who have abortions or persons that perform or help in abortions. That means I would hate some of my friends who have had an abortion. Or my bisexual friend who is a friend of the family...That would be I "HATE" him too. They, the gay cause promote hatred themselves in "HATE" words they use to those that oppose their cause. HATE mormans, HATE Catholics, HATE Chrisitans, HATE blacks who voted for the ban..."HATE" all who would work to defeat our case/cause. Definition of Hate: intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b: extreme dislike or antipathy . [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3156]jade[/url] on 06-11-2009 21:53)[/small]
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