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Paradigm shift in global gay rights
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Might I add an opinion? While I am not personally homosexual and find the thought of male homosexuality distasteful (regardless of the fact that some of my most respected friends are homosexual and male), I steadfastly believe in every human being's right to freedom and equality, even if all people are not equal (most people are short/hairy and/or stupid, as far as I have observed, but that doesn't make them less human than I am). Whether I personally feel like having someone's organ shoved up my arse or not, I would happily protect and defend any consenting adult couple's right to do whatever the f*** they please with eachother. To criminalise personal freedom (and that's what those eighty countries do) is both stupid and ignorant, regardless of opinion - it is simply a fact that stupidity and ignorance are the only logical reasons (and poor excuses) for making criminals of people for the way they feel for each other. Of course, I extend my beliefs beyond simply matters of sex and love, so I'm simply showing the same regard for equality and freedom in homosexuality as I do in many other aspects of the human condition. I fear I suffer some prejudices (like expecting stupid people to do or say stupid things, for instance) but I recognise my failings, especially when they make me seem ignorant and stupid. As an example, I often argue that as an Englishman, it is my heritage and right to bloody well hate the French. I have only rarely met a French [i]person[/i] that I haven't gotten on great with... but I still hate the French... mostly Parisians... That's stupid and ignorant (even if it is mostly in jest) and I haven't yet criminalised the act of being French. If I did criminalise it, I'd be worse than stupid and ignorant, I'd be unworthy of the very rights and freedoms that I've denied a selected group of others. Okay, okay - I must confess that I am prejudiced. I'm prejudiced against some groups, and I'm (perhaps, stupidly and ignorantly) proud to admit it. I'm prejudiced against arseholes, and I class anyone who would support criminalisation, imprisonment, or execution of people for 'being gay' (or French, purple, religious, non-religious, cannabis smokers, cat/dog lovers, etc.) a complete and total, utter arsehole. Beyond that, everyone's entitled to their opinion, stupid and ignorant or otherwise. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 03-18-2009 20:18)[/small]
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