I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all my fellow asylumites a happy and festive Yule One of the things I like about this day is the knowledge that we have daylight for a little longer each day, reminding us of the warmth and beauty of Spring and Summer, and the regeneration of new life. The cycle continues.
The celebrations of the wheel of life is often called Paganism I seem to have some emotional baggage with that term Pagan, feeling that it is somehow a derogatory term, no doubt this is due to my Christian upbringing. I can and have overcome this though, concentrating my mind on the thought of generations of my ancestors in the mists of time, celebrating the turn of the year. The long winter that will soon end and the promise of a harvest of plenty in the fullness of time.
There's a pipe to be smoked and a fire to gaze into. The world, the universe turns and I wish you my friends peace, good health and prosperity.
From: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 12-22-2008 00:13
And to you too Tao.
We are in fact off to a Solstice party this evening. We don't have too far to go... fortunately, only across the street which is just fine as the snow is coming down & we'd likely not go if we had to drive any distance.
Hopefully others won't be dissuaded.... hmmmm what am I saying. The fewer the better. More hot toddies - freshly smoke salmon - sweets. Oh wait a minute... time to share isn't it. Fire outside. Fire inside.
A bit of luck and I'll still be awake a 7pm. Nap time.
?Privatize the Profits - Socialize the Losses.? Randi Rhodes
From: Darwin, NT, Australia Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 12-22-2008 06:57
A happy whatever to everybody
Here in Darwin we all celebrate whatever's going on... New Year's eve Dec 31, Chinese New Year, Vietnamese Tet, two Easters most years (Greek and Christian) ... makes for a lotta celebratin'