OZONE Asylum
How do you feel about other people using your scripts?
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Hi everyone, I'm a noob scripter using your scripts posted here to learn javascript and programming altogether actually. I've never had any training but I was inspired to learn this stuff since I have a big art streak in me. I consider the programmers here to be artists. I also love flexing the brain and having a small piece of something I can call a solution. Fun stuff. Now, I would like to know if this bothers you as the creators of the scripts. Your work is inspiring and since I haven't the time or resources to get trained in computer science, I'm taking a shortcut to knowledge to fulfill my need to create. I doubt I'll ever turn anything I script into a profitable enterprise, so hopefully you won't see my playing around as a threat to your wallet. Thanks for helping me learn. I'm interested in hearing how you guys feel about this.
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