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How do you feel about other people using your scripts?
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Well, I could understand how someone might just want to share some project with his fellow elite scripters and not have all his ideas pilfered by lazy noobs like me. Especially if you've created something really cool or valuable in terms of commercial potential. I think that's what a copyright is for. I feel guilty, but I had pick apart mooncheese to see how that stuff was done. I also used Shingebas's perpetual pinball script to understand so many things about arrays and ternary operations. I made a version of it using canvas that has flippers drawn and they rotate and everything, but I don't know the math to check collision with the ball. I'm not trained or I forgot that stuff decades ago. I'm kinda old to be learning this stuff, but it's a great hobby. The very first script I saw that made me want to learn javascript was Ben Joffe's canvascape. I hadn't used computers at all until a few months before seeing that. I thought that was cool until I stumbled onto this site. Every time I dig here there's something new I can learn. My initial goal was to build a website for my super cool wire art. I keep finding new scripts I have to pick apart and figure out. I haven't made a wire sculpture in almost three years. But I want my site perfect before I create it. That takes knowledge. Thank you ozoners, for helping me achieve my personal level of perfection. Thanks again everyone Here's my favorite work. My rat dog Jesper. [img]http://i44.tinypic.com/mmwhv7.jpg[/img]
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