OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
On trying to maintain ones equilibrium
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WebShaman, I tend to agree you on First Name/Title Last Name usage. Perhaps it's because we were both in the military and the kinds of rules you're stating are engendered by that culture. I can empathize with Tao's reaction to having his first name shouted out in a public place where everyone is a bit on edge over their job (or other) situation. It's like some of your privacy was given away to anyone who cared to listen. I wonder if there might not be other situations, for example, when waiting to be seated at a restaurant, where it might have been less offensive to have your first name used. The means of address that bothers me the most is when someone uses only my last name. This again is from having served in the military and also from having grown up in the 60s when the whole world was on a first name basis. . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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