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Philosophy and other Silliness
On trying to maintain ones equilibrium
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First of all I want to thank you WebShaman for taking the time and effort in crafting such a comprehensive response to my post. I do appreciate it and have read, re-read and inwardly digested the good advice you have offered. I do not think I have been taking this personally, as in, all the comments and the way the were delivered were specifically directed exclusively at me. Except to say that this was a formal meeting, pre-arranged between myself and the agency and the agency has, upon request, most of my personal and professional details. The whole reason for the meeting on their part is two-fold. To ?enable? me access to more opportunities for employment in my chosen field and, to assess if I am being truthful in the statements I have made with regard to my personal details and financial standing. I am being assessed from the moment I walked into the room. I totally agree with your views on controlling ones emotions and reactions and how important they are. I added my ?confession? in the initial post to show this and included an eek slimey to further illustrate the point. :) I did realise at the time that this was not the best way for me to conduct myself.. Still, I do take your comments seriously, you are completely correct about taking a deep breath and taking a moment. Your explanation on how to ?de-escalate? the situation I found very useful I shall integrate that into my modus operandi in future. My main reason for writing this post still stands though and I'd be interested if you gave your opinion on how to address people in such a situation, by their first name or with the formal, Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms? Blaise, nah, she knew it was my first name not my surname but... It is very noticeable with the popularity of Captain Fantastic himself Steven Gerrard how most people pronounce and spell my name that way. There was of course Gerard Houllier too the last manager. So Gerard in one way or another is a lot more popular that it was when I was knee high to a grasshopper. I'm wondering you see, what are the conventions in different parts of the world regarding this matter. I still maintain that, unless previously agreed upon, one should always address a person formally. It is polite and makes good business sense too. [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [img]http://digitao.co.uk/sigs/liquidboogie2.gif[/img] [/url]
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