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Mario Kart
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Used to rent Super Mario Kart for SNES so much that we bought it. Loved that game. One day we played 150cc in dinky mode and owned every nook-n-cranny. Not just in dinky mode, but the light weights. Hit every speedo, every corner - everything. No looking back once the race begaim. Haven't played since that awesome victory. Then came Mario Kart 64. Owned on this game, too. Evil basterds we were. Used to do ninja from-behind bankshots. Take out almost everybody with a single spiny shell. Knock opponents off edges. If it was evil, we did it. The Double Dash came along and I have mixed feelings about it. Love the strategy with two. Do I want Diddy Kong and Baby Bowser to load the course with big power-ups? Or do I want the koopas for maximum shellage? When to switch, when to fire, and when to save - it's all good. But what I really didn't like about DD is how it weights the power-ups against position. If you are in first place, forget about getting the star for a shortcut through the yard - no mowing the lawn there. Hated having to use the strategy of lagging behind and hoping for the big ones for the final push in the last half of a lap. That's not skill - that's taking a potentially hopeless chance. I also don't care for the invisible walls in some of the DD courses, but that's a minor quibble. Now I'm seriously not liking Mario Kart Wii. The weighting on the power-ups has gotten tons worse. Nothing like being in first place with a half-of-a-track lead only to get juggled with a blue shell, pow, and two reds. In the span of five seconds right in front of the finish line only to take fourth with no real hope or skill coming into play. I detest the number of mass-affecting power-ups. POW, Blooper, and Lightning Bolt. As if the latter wasn't enough. And Blooper is just plain annoying. And what is up with the Thunder Cloud power-up? For some reason, it goes off everytime I get it. I'm all by my lonesome and suddeny I'm on a count-down to dinkify myself. And red shells are just about out the door. I can fire one with a clean shot and sometimes it goes after someone else. Earlier, I fired a red shell, it came to a dead stop right in front me, and I ate it. WTF? But the good news here is that red shell evasion can be done with some consistancy. I suppose that what it boils down to for me is that a lot of skill has been taken out. Absolutely should not be winning 150cc cups on the first try. Even with uber rob juggling, really not that hard. Its basically just lag behind a tad and stay out of the way. So far about 2 hours and I've almost beaten it already with no real skill for familiarity with the new courses. Or maybe I'm just that good. Meh.
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