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A lot of video games are sadly echoing this trend, WJ. Video games [b]used[/b] to be hard! Companies found out, after the Arcade basically got killed by the Console, that hard games did not sell as well as easy games, fast. This is because we grew up on hard video games - they were the only games in town! No consoles back then! Either you adapted, or...you got beat. And since that was costing quarters, man, you had better get good! The newer generations never knew these hard games, and were never subjected to a closed market (the Arcade). They have grown up with their Gameboys, Nintendos, Playstations, and the PC. As such, they tend to get a bit dismayed and frustrated by games requiring a high level of skill. Their attention quickly wanders to something else, [b]something easier![/b] I think it has something to do with the "instant gratification" that the new generation grew up expecting. "I want to be good at this, now! I don't want to have to invest hours and hours practicing, before I am good." Now, the japanese video game market seems to be different - their games are still hard, and the japanese seem to love hard games - if it is not hard enough, they will find crazy ways to make it even harder (like playing Resident Evil through with only a knife! :eek: ) Most japanese games that get imported to the West get "dumbed down" for those markets. You ever played the version of Mario Super Bros. that was only released in Japan? (It did get released eventually in the West, in a "Best of" collection). Man, I tell you, I thought I used to be good at SB until I played that! Some of those levels are CRAAAAAAAZY! Anyway, I hear you, man. I personally am a Tekken player, and the evolution of Tekken is testament to the woes you are having. Bleh. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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