OZONE Asylum
Mario Kart
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I do remember getting my hands on Super Mario the Lost Levels. Can't recall off-hand which Mario it was, but some of those levels were crazy. One day I was cruising You Tube and I came across Asshole Super Mario (Kaizo?). Check this out: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r86NLwCYXfk&feature=related[/url] Yeah, instant gratification for younger and younger folks. I say bring the beat down. You know, I honestly miss the old arcades. The sounds and smells... yeah, baby! But the last time I was at an arcade it was very disheartening. There was a DDR in the cornder, some handheld gun shoot-em-ups, and head-to-head beat-em-ups. It was basically three games with different graphics. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if the Asylumites united to create our own game. I actually did some concepts once for an Asylum RPG game. You wake up in a padded room and the goal is to escape. Cliche, but whatever. It was an interesting but fleeting exercise. edit: Another thing that I have mulling over for a few years. Do a mini-series about Bowser, but do it Victor Doom style. The ruler of a kingdom with goals and isn't always the straight forward bad guy that you always think he is. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/351]warjournal[/url] on 02-08-2009 08:02)[/small]
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