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Yeah, being here in Germany, I miss Arcades (Germany doesn't seem to have them - I once went ot Paris, Fance, and France has them, but not Germany *sigh*). I can remember hours spent playing Wizard of Wor ([i]digitalized voice[/i] "Come back for more, with the Wizard of Wor!" )...Donkey Kong, Tutenkamen, Joust (hate that Pteradactyl!)... Ah, the memories. Heh, I remember one machine of Wizard of Wor, the knob had broken off, and the owner had used tape on the handle (to protect agaisnt the windings, which were sharp). Man, I wore off the skin on my forefinger on that game! I used to have to wear a band-aid and it would eventually be torn through (the tape did not last long...LOL). The skin on that finger on that side is still thick with callus, to this day :D Remember Zaxxon? Probably the worst joystick controls in any game, evah! I would love to see a comeback of hard again. Sadly, only the Mod communities of certain games seem to have grasped this concept - I am currently playing a modded version of FinalFantasyTactics (V1.3, do a search) - hooboy! Talk about HARD! I didn't know I knew that many cuss words :p I love it! [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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