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Mario Kart
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Hated Zaxxon. The side-ways parallel 3d thing irks me. Loved Joust. My buddy and I used to play until there were no more landing pads and a dozen black knights flying around. Or maybe that was Joust II that we played to death? My big game was Galaga. Back in the day, making it to level 12 was a big deal. I eventually gave it up for other things, like chasing girls. But about ten years later, I saw a Galaga stand-up at a grocery store. So I tossed in a quarter in for old times sake. Next thing I know, I've got free guys lined up along the bottom and I'm on level 20 no sweat. There was some young kid watching me in total awe. When it was time to go, I handed it to him. Spent about ten seconds watching him immediately lose three guys and I walked out almost in pain. Another one we played the snot out of was Xevious. Currently, I get my hardcore kicks out of Quake2: Gloom. It's strictly multi-player so no cheating in the code. Not just that, but teamwork is an absolute must. If you get me on a team with an attacker that I know, we own. I know where they are, I know what they are doing, and I know how to fill in the gaps with my special brand of psychological warfare. This one guy and I once took on three guys with superior attacking skills, but we crushed them in no time at all because our team play was superior. I knew when to bait and he knew when to cover. When it came time to ninja, we ninjed. We tore apart their defenses when they weren't looking, then I led the charge with my cutsie breeder and he cleaned up right behind me. Multi-player is the new hardcore. At least for me right about now. But I might give Mario Wii another go. Or maybe pull out my Mame32 and noob stick. I might be due for a Smash TV marathon - pulled more than a few all-nighters on Smash TV in the arcade and on the SNES.
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