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Mario Kart
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Man, that Mario video is evil. I never did like that game, but I 'get' it. Maybe this is just British bias, but I've always been under the impression that a lot of popular games released for the UK and US markets differed greatly in difficulty too. Brit kids apparently prefer harder games, and harder games sell better on this side of the pond. I even read once that some games were sold with exactly the same title on both sides, but with easier gameplay in the US. I'm not stating this as any sort of established fact - I doubt it's the case any longer, anyway. I was never much of an arcade player. By the time I was old enough to wield the holy weapons of pixellated war, the Atari was all the rage (I had the old wood-effect one). I played most of the above-mentioned arcade classics on that, along with a host of others. I have never given up, either. I get reactions ranging from bemused shock to quiet dismay when I reveal to people that I'm a gamer, even though more than half the gaming market's custom comes from adults. I had a Commodore 16 once, which introduced me to a whole new way of interacting with (and re-programming, just for the hell of it) a new generation of games, as well as a lot of the old Spectrum favorites. This was eventually usurped by an Atari STFM (the STE was a bit beyond my range), but the gameplay didn't change much, even if the graphics did. I ultimately grew out of consoles when I got hold of my first PC; a 386 running at a blistering 8MHz (or 16MHz with the turbo button down) with a huge 2MB of RAM. I was there when Heretic and Castle Wolfenstein gave everyone a hint of what wonders the future of multiplayer gaming might hold, and got into a lot of trouble for setting up Wolf tournaments on the school network... then later, Doom... then later still, Quake! This is where I made the irreversible switch to keyboard+mouse controls. I still only use a control pad for vehicular/racing games today, and can't bear more than a few minutes at anything else with a joy stick/pad. I don't know if anybody shares my passion for the following game, but Unreal was a total breakthrough for me. It was the first game I ever played online (not just local LAN), and it was amazing even with an average 500ms ping on my V.92 56k modem. It wasn't much of a challenge in single-player (though, wow, was it an adventure) but online, it came alive. I'm a multiplayer online FPS fanatic now. Not a week goes by that I don't get a few hours on the battlefield. I'm no hotshot, and I don't take it all as seriously as some people do; I play for fun and to alleviate life's stresses - yet I still manage to top the scoreboards quite frequently. I much prefer teamplay-based shooters to the traditional deathmatch style of play - Unreal III has sat unplayed since I got it (one or two days was enough to bore me). Of course, there is a massive element of players who don't find virtual killing easy enough, and the use of 'aimbots' and hacks is ever-increasing. The greatest insult is that these morons consider themselves 'god-like' because they've got an illegal program doing all their aiming for them. They ruin the fun for everyone, and argue that they've the right to cheat. What's the point in playing against a computer-aided human when the AI is at least designed to be fairly fallible. Grrrr! I'd like to meet some of them in the real world some day... _____ [b]BTW:[/b] Have any of you hear-of/tried [b]Quake Live[/b]? It's an entirely web/browser based Quake III Arena that you can play from anywhere. While it was never my favorite game, I'm certainly going to have fun testing it... [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 02-26-2009 16:40)[/small] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 02-26-2009 17:41)[/small]
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