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Cloud Computing
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There are a lot of problems with "Cloud Computing" One is security. I am still not 100% about the security of such an idea. As it is right now, I do use Google Docs to some degree, but I would never put anything up that might have something that might be classified as sensitive data. I've also used DropBox, but haven't really found a need for it (not really sure you can call that Cloud Computing though). The other is, if I loose my internet connection then my docs are gone. At least for the time that the internet is down. If a business were to go this route, then there has to be a backup plan. I can see if the servers go down where the apps are hosted, then the business pretty much is done. This can lead to some law suites for loss of business. But, I think we are a ways off from this becoming the norm IMHO. I also like how the author describes the paper: [quote] [b]Author said :[/b] the paper succinctly brings together Software as a Service [/quote] Later, C:\ [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1079]CPrompt[/url] on 02-16-2009 14:20)[/small]
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