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Great, another set of scripts I have to understand. heheh, obsession hardly describes it. OK, so I started messing with images and transform and decided I wanted to make a page flip script. I made the curl easy enough and gradients are easily laid over images inside a clip so I already have the book center shading done. Here's my attempt at the image positions for a flipping animation. I don't fully understand transform, I think. I'm not sure if my understanding is correct or if I'm just getting lucky with math. I simply used a golden ratio progression between 0 and 1 for the stages. Please don't ask me to explain it. LOL it has to do with shifting the change by .618 each time from golden ratio point http://h1.ripway.com/tinyscript/glossycanvas/ImageTransformPageFlipSequence.html So here's a question for you experts. Before I get to coding... I would like to know if you think it would be better to draw the images for each stage of the animation as they are flipping or draw all the images in every position right away when the script loads and keep them hidden and switch to visible when needed?
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