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Rope question
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For the past while I have been doing a lot of rope stuff. I can tie a variety of knots and can weave in several patterns. It keeps my hands busy and a small part of my brain focused while another part of my brain things about other things. One of my big problems is that I don't like synthetic ropes at all. They are just so nasty. Doesn't feel right. I have quite a bit of cotton rope, but I can't seem to find 1/2" cotton or bigger. And I'm not sure where in my area to look for 1/2" cotton or bigger. So I bought some twine. Only 50' and I think it's 1/4" or so. Not sure what kind of fibers exactly, but definitely natural if a bit rough. My problem with the twin is that it's all curly and stuff from sitting all wound up for so long. Any idea if it will be okay to soak in water for a bit and let it dry? Will this take the curliness out and loosen it up a bit? Normally I would just go ahead and do it, but it's spliced in a few places and I don't want to inadvertly un-splice the twine with water. ??
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