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Rope question
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The rope that I bought only cost $3. So, I decided to give soaking it a go. As soon as I dropped it in the hot water, it started to smell very much like a corn fiber broom. Makes me wonder if I should have tossed in some salt as well. Let is soak for about 1/2 hour. So far it seems to have dried just fine. Wish I would have waited for Gryth's suggestion of wrapping it around a drum, but I got antsy. (Sorry, Gryth, but I currently have to keep my purchases local. Definitely thanks for trying, though. At least now I know what to expect with respect to prices if I find anything around these parts.) One thing I highly recommend is learning to tie an adjustable grip hitch. See the first knot here: [url]http://www.layhands.com/Knots/Knots_Hitches.htm[/url]. That knot right there has saved my butt multiple times in a variety of situations. I am thinking about poking around the seedier areas of knot tying. One idea that tickles me pink is doing a plant pot hanger thingie using bondage-oriented knots instead of the usual macrame.
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