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iPod and virus scanning?
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Yup - you can be as careful as you like, but there are always ways... I was preparing a box-load of Samsung digital photo frames as gifts for some clients just before Christmas, and I was shocked to discover that a handful of them were infected with a virus! They had internal storage that should have been mostly blank but for the demo photos, as shipped from the factory (packed, sealed, and completely untouched by any other hands). I wrote to Samsung about the fact that they were selling products pre-infected with a nasty worm, but I haven't heard back from them. I can't remember what the infection was, but it relied on the user being daft enough to allow the autorun... which of course, I never do (under any circumstances, for anything, ever). I can only assume that whatever machine they used for transfering the demo images to the internal flash must have been infected, and can only wonder at how many people have been unknowingly infected by factory-sealed products.
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