OZONE Asylum
FC4 yum 404ing
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Yea, the whole EOL bit didn't occur to me until late yesterday when I found the fedora archives repo. I would be very happy moving up to something a little more recent, but I'm afraid we get what we get on these boxes. When I get time on this project, I might try to put together our own internal repo of the FC4 based sources... Until then though, I'll get this one updated and just make an image that I can reuse on the other boxes. When you say "resolving the dependencies on your own," what exactly do you mean? If I have essentially a copy of the FC4 repo, will yum not resolve dependencies lie it does now (as long as they're all present in that repo)? On a side note, is it still abbreviated FC8 (or FC9, etc) now that they dropped the 'Core' and merged the Core and Extras into one repo? -- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
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