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> 120 Peanut Butter Sandwiches For Breakfast
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In the photos above we have, from top to bottom, a young female blackbird who has been checking out the males these past few weeks. This year we have more blackbirds than usual too, I'm putting this down to the wonders of peanut butter and wholemeal bread. We regularly have about five adult males and two or three young males visit. You can tell the difference by the more mature males having a bright ring of yellow around their eyes and a pronounced yellow beak. The younger ones while still having a black coat lack these markings. The youngest males are a light brown, a bit like the females. I'm sure the female in the top photo is considered a bit of a babe as the males chase each other when she is around and then do the little courtship dance which is a little run stop, run, stop, posture and perhaps a little chase around a bush. She will also sit in the lower branches listening to the males song, particularly in the early morning and evening. The Starlings in the middle and bottom photo are part of a large flock that usually arrive together to feed. These two stayed after most of the flock took off apparently spooked by something. That's a plucky wee Sparrow or spadger as we call them, in the background of the bottom photo. This next photo was taken in the summertime last year I think it was. Bath time is a social affair for our spadgers although there appears to be a fight over the soap going on :) [img]http://www.tao.serveit.org/images/fauna/spadger_bath.jpg[/img]
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