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> 120 Peanut Butter Sandwiches For Breakfast
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Heh, nice story WarJ. I've been trying to get the birds used to me as I'm putting feed out It has taken longer than I thought it would because I'm thinking the birds seem to like a regular pattern and I'm rather scattered in my habits. I too prefer the last photo of the spadgers I've a whole sequence of them somewhere buried in the old computer. To get the shots I set the camera up on a tripod with a cable release and pre-focused on the bird bath. Then I hid myself behind a large neutral curtain while sitting on a little stool. Talking about feeding squirrels in the park, [url=http://www.humyo.com/F/51231-404619017]here[/url] is a video I've been working on today, from clips I've taken over the past three weeks or so, It's about 10MB of wobbly delight. The first part of the video is taken from my flat, I had the camera to hand when using the computer. I've positioned my computer in such a way that I can still see and hear out of my window. I always have some tiny PB sandwiches on the windowsill for the birds as well as seed feeders. This was taken about the same time as the video. I managed to take this photo of a blue tit eating out of my hand. I was so delighted this little bird trusted me enough. [url=http://digitao.co.uk/images/fauna/blue_tit.jpg] [img]http://digitao.co.uk/images/fauna/blue_tit_sm.jpg[/img] [/url]
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