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> 120 Peanut Butter Sandwiches For Breakfast
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In my neck of the woods, folks deal with squirrels in odd ways. What they do is give the squirrels their own feeders so that they leave the bird feeders alone. And most of the squirrel feeders require a certain about of acrobatics on the part of the squirrel. One guy actually built an obstacle course on posts. After a week, the squirrels got their times down to 30 seconds to get the goodies. I'll see if I can talk my one buddy into going down there and snapping some pics, but I don't know if it's still up as this was quite awhile ago. The most common squirrel feeder in these parts is a bicycle tire nailed to a tree. Then corn cobs are put on the outer rim. Ever see a newb squirrel jump on one of these? And every once in a great while you will actually see two squirrels working together on these things. Now that I think about it, we don't have any squirrels in our cul de sac. Plenty of stray cats, racoons, and opossums. I wonder if they have anything to do with the lack of squirrels. Cool vid, BTW. That's what actually got me thinking about the lack of squirrels in our area. While I was never big on feeding by hand, I'm sure the girlies would get a kick out of it.
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