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> 120 Peanut Butter Sandwiches For Breakfast
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[quote] [b]warjournal said:[/b] In my neck of the woods, folks deal with squirrels in odd ways. [/quote] In my neck of the woods, more and more people are trapping GREY squirrels and drowning them. The greys have been supplanting the native red squirrels to the point I don't really remember when I last saw a red squirrel. The same thing is happening in blighty where there's an organized effort to (nearly)erradicate the interloper. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4635330.stm A documentary I saw some time ago attributed the greys' proliferation and considerably bigger physique to a particular enzyme that allows them to eat a far greater variety of vegitation. Greys can for example eat horse chestnuts and bulk up quite nicely where as the native red squirrel cannot. The first thing a mature grey does is seek out new territory which leads to the inevitable death match with the reds. Very human-like doncha think? =) We return you now to your regularly scheduled feeding. And let's not forget they are in fact rodents... just a bit prettier with that big fluffy tail and all. Geez again kinda human-like. :p:D ___________________________________________________________________________ ?Privatize the Profits - Socialize the Losses.? Randi Rhodes
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