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DavidJCobb Differences Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=30926" title="Pages that link to DavidJCobb Differences" rel="nofollow" >DavidJCobb Differences\


-So, I just joined. Found this forum while looking for examples of 3D work done using the HTML CANVAS element -- I have an account ondeviantART and I was posting about some experimenting I've been doing with 3D in a Canvas lately, and thought some examples would be good. Saw some interesting code here, thought I'd join.

+As the cell door opened, the man inside greeted you. His tone, though casual, had in it a peculiar note, like... Like a hint of madness. He sat in a clean white straitjacket, a sharp contrast to the mattress walls around him, which were caked in a thin layer of dust. There were several odd depictions scrawled upon these walls, scribbled in what looked to be permanent marker ink -- odd, considering that the inmate inhabiting the cell was kept bound for most of the day.

-So I'm a highschool student. Good with computers, and I code web pages for a hobby; I'm best at JavaScript, so usually when I code something it's a JavaScript project like a userscript or a Firefox extension. I particularly enjoy experimenting with new or interesting things that can be done with JavaScript (like 3D in Canvas elements) -- it's pretty much my favourite programming language (and the only one I know that actually does things!) so when I see some interesting new (or old, but unknown to me) technique, I like trying to experiment with it or even trying to improve it, if I can. I'm also overtalkative XD

+The inmate. He lifted his head up, to look his new visitor in the eye, and said...

-(Created by DavidJCobb on 03-21-2009 01:09)

-(Edited by DavidJCobb on 03-21-2009 01:12)
+"Thought I'd redo my cell, a bit."




+So, I just joined. Found this forum while looking for examples of 3D work done using the HTML CANVAS element -- I have an account ondeviantART and I was posting about some experimenting I've been doing with 3D in a Canvas lately, and thought some examples would be good. Saw some interesting code here, thought I'd join.


+So I'm a highschool student. Good with computers, and I code web pages for a hobby; I'm best at JavaScript, so usually when I code something it's a JavaScript project like a userscript or a Firefox extension. I particularly enjoy experimenting with new or interesting things that can be done with JavaScript (like 3D in Canvas elements) -- it's pretty much my favourite programming language (and the only one I know that actually does things!) so when I see some interesting new (or old, but unknown to me) technique, I like trying to experiment with it or even trying to improve it, if I can. I'm also overtalkative XD


+(Created by DavidJCobb on 03-21-2009 01:09)

+(Edited by DavidJCobb on 03-21-2009 01:12)
+(Edited by DavidJCobb on 03-28-2009 04:22)

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