OZONE Asylum
continuously sliding image on mousemove!
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Hi all, I'm new here though I've been visiting for a decade, but now I really need help and I can't find the answer through searching, so I've finally stopped hiding and decided to register. I'm a big fan of Doc's though he never knew it. Years ago, just before the current interface he had his orange marble landscape image that would slide left or right based on the mouse move action. I loved that and was sad to see it go; but, my question is where did it go? I checked all of the currently listed interfaces and it's not there. I'm really trying to learn how it was done. I'm developing in jQuery, so if anyone can translate an answer in jQuery it would be greatly appreciated, but plain JavaScript will do. I'm not an expert but I'm certainly not illiterate either. Thanks in advance, and it's nice to finally say hello to a group I've been reading for so many years.
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