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continuously sliding image on mousemove!
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Hiya MiD AwE! You should know by now that you can take apart anything I've ever done and try putting it back together, that's how learning happens. Most of those sliding toys are dependent on the use of the sin() and cos() functions, you'll always get a nice movement out of a sine wave, very smooth. The [url=http://www.ozones.com/foobaby]404 LOST[/url] pages are even simpler, the trickiest bit was getting the images to tile together. The jParallax thingy seemed cool, but they totally skirted the whole tiling issue! Cheaters. I should really dig into jQuery - I use it on some of my work stuff here at deepFLING (our whole brick & mortar checkout system is written in jquery), but I had help on that one. It does allow you to do some cool stuff, but I worry that too much dependence on it will distance people from learning how to move things, and why some movements look smooth and some, well, do not. FWIW, if you're looking for something in Ozone, just keep clicking the logo, it should keep taking you deeper. Ask me anything! I'm probably yammering on about something else, but I can be directed. ;) [b][url=http://www.ozones.com/] Your pal, -doc-[/url][/b]
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