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digital note taking? - advise please
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I do with a homebrewn application called 'AugmentTP'. Basically a tree based quick edit note thingy, press Enter to edit a node, Shift enter to add a node at the same level, Ctrl + enter to add one below. Searching & Tagging, Copy Paste, Drag & Drop, weblinks automatically highlighted, other links with ->node name... (autocompletion) I use it mainly for all the random tidibits and todo list managment, but I have also had good sucess with using it as a learning aid. Since it's totaly my brain child it has some weird features, like the ability to insert greek characters and up/download it's data file to a webdav or ssh storage. (Edit: And 'no explicit saving' coupled with 'unlimited undo' - even if you close the program, transfer the file to another computer, you'll still have your undo stack) If anybody wants to give it a whirl, it needs .net 2.0 and can be downloaded [url=http://www.coonabibba.de/random/20090407_asylum_release.zip]here[/url]. I'll hopefully get around to release the source later on... If you want it to use a different data file, just add the filename as first 'command line' parameter in your shortcut. so long, ->Tyberius Prime [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1424]Tyberius Prime[/url] on 04-07-2009 11:54)[/small]
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