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Win XP Scheduled Task Error
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C:\ : Do you have administrator privileges on your computer? If not I think you'll need to have someone with admin rights to log into the machine and run this. I'm about to test it on another PC and I'll let you know the results. If they still have it disabled in GP then you may be in trouble...did you try this workaround: To work around this problem, add the "Access this computer from the network" permission to the user account that will run the scheduled task. To do this for the local computer policy, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, click Run, type Gpedit.msc, and then click OK. 2. Expand the following items in the Local Computer Policy list: Computer Configuration Windows Settings Security Settings Local Policies 3. Click User Rights Assignment. 4. Double-click Access this computer from the network, and then click Add User or Group. 5. Add the new user name or the group name in the Enter the object names to select area. 6. Click Check Names to verify the entries. 7. Click OK two times.
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