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Help converting a .png or .jpg into a vector .eps or .ai
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Conceeding newbie here and offer my extended apologies in advance. Quick synopsis - I need a program that will convert a .jpg/ .png file into a vector .eps/ .ai file. I am a webmaster/dev and have a client who wants a graphic (picture) etched onto a wineglass for an upcoming wine walk event. The company that is to "etch" this image, along with her text, will only accept vectored .eps or .ai images. They do not offer the services of converting non-vectored graphics into vectored format as I assume they should, being they call themselves professionals. I have found no requirements yet for me to learn vector graphics and/ or conversions as a web dev. I would like to help my client even though it is the wine-glass-etching professionals job to do this. I am on a Windows OS and need a vector conversion software that saves in the .eps or .ai format...Open Source software is my preference but any suggestion will do! Again, Thanks in advance! John
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