Topic: Asynchronous For-In Loops in Firefox (Page 1 of 1) |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: United States |
posted 04-29-2009 21:26
This isn't cross-browser, but it is interesting nonetheless, and in any case, I haven't seen it posted anywhere else... Or mentioned anywhere else... Or listed in Google... code: AsyncLooper = { go: function(obj,iCallback,eCallback) { AsyncLooper.loop(obj,iCallback,eCallback,Iterator(obj)); }, loop: function(o,i,e,I) { var prop; for(var counter=0;counter<21;counter++) { try { // only way to check if there aren't any more properties; } catch (e) { // if no more properties return e(o) } i(o,p[0],p[1]); } window.setTimeout(AsyncLooper.loop,1,o,i,e,I); } }; // And a usage example: myPointlessObject = {a:123,b:456,c:789,e:345,d:012}; STRING="myPointlessObject == "+myPointlessObject.toSource(); AsyncLooper.go(myPointlessObject, function(o,n,v) { STRING+="\nmyPointlessObject['"+n+"'] == "+v }, function() { alert(STRING); } );
code: // Assume that myIterator is an Iterator. for(i in myIterator) { break; } for(i in myIterator) { // even if the break statement // above ran before the Iterator // was "finished", this code will // never run... }; // and calls to its next() method // cause StopExceptions. |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: |
posted 05-31-2011 11:08
Edit TP: spam removed