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CRM/Task Tracking Software...
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Some questions come to mind: Budget? How many employees are going to be using it? Do you need it mainly for CRM or for organizing your work? Lots of companies use Jira for what you're describing. Small, big, open source and other organizations alike. But big companies never use it for CRM. [url=https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa]Apache[/url] [url=http://bugs.adobe.com/flex/]Adobe[/url] [url=http://issues.worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/secure/Dashboard.jspa]NASA[/url] I'm not saying that this is definitely the best tool for you. Because I don't know your requirements. It's manly a tool for developers and for any other employees you may have if you learn how to configure it correctly. It may also serve as a very good CRM for a company that has say up to a hundred (or more, depends) of somewhat technically fluent customers. Can provide good transparency to customers if needed without compromising security. edit: also very configurable, easy to extend (with java plugins and/or SOAP api), lots of free plugins, large community etc. There's also a really good, sophisticated and customer-orienter product called HP Service Manager but it's really expensive afaik. Works very well for medium-sized to big companies. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3736]Arthurio[/url] on 05-08-2009 17:13)[/small]
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