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Google maps API and iframes
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I made a script that opens a new iframe on the page using the current map from the original google map in the state you have it when you click. I had to dig a little bit to find the methods to pass the variables onto the new iframe and I'm wondering if I've done anything illegal? I read the agreement and I'm not sure if simply doing a search like this is wrong. I wrote in the address bar javascript:for(i in map)document.write(i+":"+map[i]+"<br>") so I could hope to find how get the zoom portion of settings. the coordinates were pretty obvious with getCenter() so I just needed to find the right function that sends the value. I found it, but i'm afraid to violate the user agreement and face any fines or anything. I have no clue what I'd be in for. Is there anywhere I can go to find answers about this? Can I use a function available in the script to open a new element using data currently being used and all done client side? any advice will be priceless.
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