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[quote] quote: WebShaman said: Not human? You missed my point. I meant what more perfect being(s) are there that this expression seems to hint at? My guess would be that it must have roots in both religion and sci-fi. Both of which are fictional. What is perfection anyway? Is perfection something beautiful, organic, chaotic or is perfection infallibility, absolute efficiency and order? Wouldn't the latter be rather undesirable? And if it's not the latter then what's wrong with how the mankind is now?[/quote] No, I did not miss the point. You are not understanding what I am saying or referring to, I think. We [b]KNOW[/b] that humans are not perfect, because we have this thing called memory in which we can recall the past - and it proves that humans are not perfect in many different regards. In fact, "to err is human" pretty much sums this up - someone who actually does manage to do something near to perfect (or even perfectly, depending on how one is defining the word), we tend to hold in a form of awe and wonder. It is something we consider to be inhuman, the effort, whatever. This is because we as humans know that we are fallible. Every human eventually learns this, btw, normally through self-example. Your first failure was proof that you are indeed not perfect, as was mine. Since inventing things like machines, which can do tasks much better than humans can, I think that is a pretty valid comparator here. One does expect machines to do things better re: "perfectly" [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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