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Origin of Life cracks
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They seem close to finding plausible first-steps from primordial soup to viable life. There must be countless more steps to uncover, as well as [url=http://mic.sgmjournals.org/cgi/content/full/148/1/21]further puzzles[/url] to resolve, but as with so much in science, it only takes a few enterprising years for humanity to 'run with the ball' before massive advances in understanding or application are made (or benefits seen). [quote][b]Margulis (1996):[/b] To go from a bacterium to people is less of a step than to go from a mixture of amino acids to that bacterium.[/quote] I found that quote on the page I linked above, which got me reading about Lynn Margulis. I found a couple of other [url=http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/creation/quote_margulis.html]quotes of hers[/url] which made me think you two would have a great conversation, WS. I never realised that Sagan had such an interesting first wife, though it comes as no surprise. I seem to recall an ID-related [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/28922]thread[/url] around here somewhere with mention of flagellum which I found particularly interesting. I'm still unresolved when it comes to current theories, and I find discussions like that one interesting (once I've filtered out all the religious nonsense) because they reflect my own mix of credulity or incredulity when it comes to the various approaches. _____ I've never been very good at staying on topic, and this thread has got me on a reading buzz about man-made and artificial cells. Between advances in cellular biology/chemistry and advances in artificial / man-made tissues and cells, not to mention stem cell research and genetic science, I can only wonder at what might come of it all over the next century. Makes me wanna' write sci-fi! :D
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