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Pi - Clarification
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[quote] [b]Blacknight said:[/b] The polygon will become a circle as soon as it meets following definition:You can define a circle as an infinite amount of points all the same distance to its center. so your polygon would have infinite amount of edges. [/quote] Points that form a circle r relative to its circumfrence....and they are therefore not infinite...coz a certain number of points form a circle On the other hand can u define a point....am sure in ur mind u picture it to be a small dot.....but if u were to zoom into the dot itself u will find that it agains becames a circle again taking u back to where u started from....:eek: Logically speaking then there should that one final edge that converts the polygon to a circle [quote] [b]iron_wallaby said:[/b] quote: PI is just as absolute as PHI. They are both well-defined ratios.I think you should perhaps study mathematics a bit more before you are qualified to make such statements. It may be confusing now, but after you've studied for enough time, it will click, and you'll suddenly understand. Trust me, PI is a very simple, reasonable, and useful concept.(Edited by iron_wallaby on 05-25-2009 21:12) [/quote] What is it that clicks that u cant expalin in a few statements:confused: Peterskull:...do u agree the observerable universe is getting smaller and there fore the decimal places,,,r therefore relative to what we observe.. Someone once said u can never have a perfect circle coz by the time u finish drawing it - the earth has moved - the universe has moved - space time has changed Guys lets think outside the box....taking this deeper...I suspect circles may actually not be real :cool: ~Sig coming soon~ [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2622]binary[/url] on 05-26-2009 11:26)[/small]
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