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Pi - Clarification
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To respond to Blacknight and DarkGarden (and agree with WhiteHawk), an infinite number of points is impossible [b]in the real world[/b]. Space is discrete. This was proved by Zeno a few thousand years ago. (Well, sort of. Spacetime being noninfinite is the best interpretation we have so far, though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeno%27s_paradoxes#The_dichotomy_paradox ) That said, though, mathematics isn't constrained by physics, and so you can define things mathematically that are impossible in the real world. Like, for example, a perfect circle. :) [quote] Points that form a circle r relative to its circumfrence....and they are therefore not infinite...coz a certain number of points form a circle[/quote] I don't know where you came up with this, binary, but it's not true. A circle is defined as the locus of points equidistant from some other point. This is, by definition, an infinite number of points. Therefore, a circle is defined as being composed of an infinite number of points. [quote] On the other hand can u define a point....am sure in ur mind u picture it to be a small dot.....but if u were to zoom into the dot itself u will find that it agains becames a circle again taking u back to where u started from....[/quote] This is also not true. You are confusing mathematics with physics again. In mathematics, if you zoom in on that point, it stays a point. It's always infinitely small. [quote] What is it that clicks that u cant expalin in a few statements?[/quote] You'll find as your grow older that there is much that can't be expressed in words. This is why poets are awesome. [quote] Someone once said u can never have a perfect circle coz by the time u finish drawing it - the earth has moved - the universe has moved - space time has changed [/quote] This is more or less true. But drawing a perfect circle in the real world has absolutely nothing to do with how a circle is defined or what the number PI means. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6658]iron_wallaby[/url] on 05-26-2009 17:23)[/small]
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