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Pi - Clarification
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iron_wallaby: - I dont know why u keep throwing the word [b]Real World[/b] in ur statements.... if u r follwn the latest discoveries in science [i]n they r now on a day 2 day basis[/i]....u shld know that the RW is subject to the observer.....Zeno's paradoxes were also intended to prove that all is ONE.....n therefore stating that i am confusing physics and mathematics doesnt hold ground...n therefore emphasis shld be set upon establishng the point where the various sciences seem to separate.... - Blacknight stated: "[i]Our RW is not describable by descerte numbers, but by Continuous funktions (sin, cos ..). "[/i]...honestly this [b]feels[/b] very accurate.....n the current research in computing is how to incorporate the current quantum theories....n from this we will get faster processing speeds n who knows what :confused: -again dont forget the OBJECTIVE: which is to ensure that we obtain optimum rslts of whatever systems we have be it mechanical or biological....coz they are based on principles that are not unified n this is not how our reality/nature operates:cool: [i]"grow older"[/i] ...note this is also relative to the observer :D ~Sig coming soon~
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