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Pi - Clarification
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[quote] I dont know why u keep throwing the word Real World in ur statements.... if u r follwn the latest discoveries in science n they r now on a day 2 day basis[/quote] Right, physics changes all the time. What I'm saying is that it has nothing to do (directly) with mathematics, which is subject only to its own definitions. The two systems are totally and completely different. Mathematics defines its own reality. Physics uses mathematics to describe our reality. [quote]u shld know that the RW is subject to the observer[/quote] Yes, but unless you're a solipsist, I'm going to assume that you live on planet Earth. :) [quote]Zeno's paradoxes were also intended to prove that all is ONE[/quote] Who cares how something is intended? What's important is how it's used. Michelangelo made religious artifacts. I look as the Sistene Chapel and see art. [quote]n therefore stating that i am confusing physics and mathematics doesnt hold ground[/quote] You're using a failed argument as a premise. Physics and mathematics aren't the same. [quote]"Our RW is not describable by descerte numbers, but by Continuous funktions (sin, cos ..). "...honestly this feels very accurate.....n the current research in computing is how to incorporate the current quantum theories....n from this we will get faster processing speeds n who knows what[/quote] You'll note that continuous equations are only an approximation to the real world, not a description of it. Quantum physics, as we currently understand it, is unpredictable. It only follows patterns on average. So, to recap: we started out talking about what PI was. The thing to remember here is that PI is a mathematical definition and is, as such, only useful in a mathematical perspective. Basing PI on the physical world therefore doesn't make sense, which is what you were saying earlier. I agree with that, but I think that the conclusion you came to (that PI should be done away with) is a bad one, because mathematics does not depend on the physical world. [quote]"grow older" ...note this is also relative to the observer [/quote] Heh! Please don't take it as an insult, either. You're asking good questions, which already makes you smarter that most.
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