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Pi - Clarification
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[quote] Iron_wallaby:?"its defined by 1" takes me back to my question?from the defn statement?what is the distance 1 ? probably you would give me values like 1 cm, 1 millimetre, 1 nanometre?.but again this are standards agreed upon?.so in short without the standards, measuring 1 for instance by using our forefingers the distance 1 in this case would be relative[/quote] I don't think you understand how the universe works. [i]Everything is relative.[/i] Everything. No exceptions. So yes, while [i]for general use[/i] people agree upon standard distances to make life convenient and make it possible to communicate properly, it isn't required mathematically. In math, you can define whatever arbitrary units you desire, since distances only mean something relative to each other. So defining a distance of 1 (without units) is perfectly reasonable. Remember, all distances are relative: PI is the distance around the circle RELATIVE to a diameter that, by comparison, has a distance of 1. [quote]...whats all this ranting abt.....we shld do away with Pi...as it appears not to be an absolute...n mayb work with values such as Phi....n probably we would get optimal results of whatever it is we r developing...[/quote] PI is just as absolute as PHI. They are both well-defined ratios. I think you should perhaps study mathematics a bit more before you are qualified to make such statements. It may be confusing now, but after you've studied for enough time, it will click, and you'll suddenly understand. :) Trust me, PI is a very simple, reasonable, and useful concept. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6658]iron_wallaby[/url] on 05-25-2009 21:12)[/small]
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