OZONE Asylum
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:D Actually, I have a daily routine that gives me something a little different every day, and often helps me to snap out of a dark mood; I talk to strangers. I receive defensive, terrified or sometimes hostile reactions, but more often than not, I get to meet and chat with someone interesting for a few minutes of an otherwise dull and annoying commute. More importantly, I make it a goal of every day to make at least one person smile. Believing in the intrinsic logic of Karma, this satisfies more than just my need to flirt. :cool: _____ Haha, WS![quote]They are narrowly above people-who-think-it-is-fun-to-drive-20-miles-under-the-speed-limit - it is my belief that twin 30mm Vulcan Chain Gun Cannons were invented soley for this reason.[/quote]I get stuck as a passenger around the city (in the work van, on public transport, etc) more often than I care for. My head gradually fills with the sounds of explosive projectiles, chain-gun fire, and an exotic array of anti-vehicle weaponry/machinery. It kills a surprising amount of time... if nothing else. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 06-02-2009 16:57)[/small]
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