OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Invisible prisons
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No idea how old the tables were, Web. Pretty much happened while switching rods while the hands were too low. Other than that, I guess we can chaulk it up to cultural difference or something. You know, us folks in MI are notorious for violence. With the way our militia is and the occassion rogue, I'm suprised the Boy Scouts here are receiving military training like in Cali (I think Cali?). David brings up a point: [quote]often, people grow up with such illogical and irrational beliefs, never given the freedom to decide for themselves what they believe, and eventually not even desiring such freedom and even condemning it[/quote] I've had this discussion more than a few times. Hooker Neice lives with Grandma. According to Grandma, Hooker Neice is free to believe in whatever she wants to when it comes to religion. And yet Grandma takes Hooker Neice to church and Hooker Neice is always going on about going to Hell. Claims of religious freedom, and yet putting massive spin and bias on it. Also happened here in the Asylum. A parent here was talking about knowingly and blatantly lying to children in order to get them to believe in Jesus. Go figure.
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