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[quote] [b]binary said:[/b] quote:WebShaman said:I want photographic memory"....this easily achievable with some little training and focus....~Sig coming soon~ [/quote] I beg to differ here. A photographic memory does not forget ANYTHING it has ever been exposed to, ever, visually, and can be called up at will. In end effect, it is perfect memory (visually orientated) - it has perfect storage and access. This is [b]NOT[/b] something that one can "easily" achieve with "little training and focus" - in fact, it is not something that one can achieve with any amount of training and focus, for the physical makeup of the brain has to be changed, in and of itself. Now, one can train one's memory, and one can train it pretty well and achieve astounding results that may have the simblance of a photographic memory, but make no mistake - it is not remotely similar. For example, being able to recall each and every leaf on a tree with only one short glance - and never forgetting it, being able to call it up at will. One must also take into account, that one can call up ANY tree, at any time, that one has seen at any period in time, and do the same thing. If you know how to easily achieve such a thing with a little training and focus, then you will soon become a very rich man (and actually should be so already). Of course, the military would have grabbed you a long time ago, were you capable of teaching others this. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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