OZONE Asylum
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I have to second WebShaman on that score. Techniques used to improve memory and observation skills, and tricks used to memorise information, will never match the full function of a photographic memory. It takes time, effort, and discipline in training [i]and[/i] application of memory techniques for someone to purposely enhance their capacity for recall, whereas those with photographic memories are usually quite incapable of [i]not[/i] memorising every detail they observe (consciously or not). The very manner in which information is processed by the brain differs dramatically in those with true photographic memory. I would love to have that capacity as a brain 'mode' too, but I think it would be awful to be stuck with that all the time. I have enough trouble trying to shoe-horn new memories into my grey matter as it is with the endless piles of useless information I seem to soak up like a sponge. Like Homer Simpson, I fear that every new memory displaces an old one - one day, I'll read an amazing (but utterly useless) fact, and I'll immediately forget who I am! :eek:
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