OZONE Asylum
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Invisible prisons
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I took your advice, and last night, while I was playing Battlefield 2142, I did something random and out of the norm. Unfortunately, as it turns out, you can't stab someone with an assault rifle, or shoot them with a knife, and my score was abysmal. Certain rules that we trap ourselves with are entirely necessary, intuitive, and sensible. We don't walk in the middle of the motorway, walk off the edge of tall buildings, or keep our heads in the oven while roasting just in case the turkey gets lonely. These are rules we pick up quickly, learn through experience, or know intuitively, and disregard at our dire peril. As for the daily routine - yes, it is a prison, but one I know sustains many. I've lost count of the number of times I've heard of people who retired, had nothing to do, and died within months or a short few years. Once the routine is gone, it can be bloody hard to find something else to fill your days with. Somewhere halfway between the two is probably good for the health. Keep a routine, and make time for something different every now and again... or does that make variation part of the routine..? Yes, we are institutionalised; rendered as executors of our function, and that function defines our daily routine. When there is no routine left, and the uncontrollable vagaries of the daily grind have given way to empty hours, days, and weeks in the restless afterlife (for some, half-life) of retirement, you have only one purpose left- Find something to fill 600-700 hours a month with, or die for want of it. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 06-02-2009 15:20)[/small]
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