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Oh, I know that no man-made object has actually left the solar system. But that doesn't mean anything. We do have the technology (and yes, there are many different versions "on the drawing board") to send man to the nearest stars. And yes, we have already approached such within my lifetime. Research it. The big question is the will and the desire to spend the resources required to accomplish such. So what would it require? Depending on what sort of system was decided on for repulsion (probably some sort of Atomic drive, I should think), it would probably have to be built in Space itself - meaning that the existing Space Station would have to be accomodated to allow for this - it would definitely need some new modules added to it! Then work crews, along with regular supplies being launched upwards. It would probably require both the Soviets and the EU, along with NASA to do it (3 launching pads). It might also require a mining base on the Moon for cheap fuel (the moon has a lot of a very rare isotope on it - He3, I believe it is called, that is perfect for fueling such an atomic drive). Then the actual habitat must be built (the main obstacle IMHO) that would house a crew for years. It would have to be a pretty good self-sustaining system - recent research and actual practice in this area has demonstrated that such is possible to create with present technology and to maintain. Now, the real question should be - is it likely to happen? And that answer is no. Not yet. Of course, with the pursuit of the commercialization of Space now underway (companies competing to reach orbit, and the Moon, for example), who knows what will be actually possible in the next 20 years... If a company does happen to put a space station in orbit, that will change things considerably IMHO. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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