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Video: Light and Color
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I think I figured out how to do this for Lab mode. One of the great things about Lab is seperation of lum and colour. But therein lies the problem when trying to implement a such a system using Lab. With RGB, you get colour and lum by adding. By mixing equal amounts, you get shades of grey. But if you try to do the same with Lab, by adding colour values, all you get is a colour without the lum component. For RGB nanos, I've been using an array of 24 bins. Run through the bins, add it all up, and you get a final colour. But how to do the same for Lab? Especially since the colour values are 2d, so to speak. I'm thinking simply use a 2d array with the very center being the base lum value. Imagine a 2d array wtih a range of (0-2,0-2). Populate it with values. For greyscale rastor, the value range would be 0-255. The center would be (1,1) and would be the base lum value. Surrounding values would be vector multipliers for the colour information. For example, d(0,0)=(255) would be a-=128 and b-=128. And d(2,2)=(255) would be a+=128 and b+=128. And so one for other surrounding values in d(). The position in d() is the base vector and the actual greyscale values would be the multiplier. Add then all together, toss in the base lum at d(1,1), and you get a final tri-Lab colour. Then toss in a light definition using the same method and tada. These values would be normalized to (0-1) space and used as a multiplier against the surface definition. Let's say that you have a surface like this: | 0 0 0 | | 128 128 128 | | 0 0 0 | That surface would be a greyscale of 128. Even though there is colour information in there along the b axis, they would add up to 0 for no saturation. Toss a light at it like this: | 255 255 255 | | 0 255 255 | | 255 255 255 | And you will end up with a yellow colour with a lum value of 128. I can't wait to fiddle with this idea. It just might be the system that I've been looking for. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/351]warjournal[/url] on 07-06-2009 20:52)[/small]
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