OZONE Asylum
old times - some burn out - dead doc....
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[quote] [b]CPrompt said:[/b] I quit smoking not long ago ([b]6 monthsish[/b]) [/quote] The 6 month mark is a critical time. Very Critical. Nicotine stays in your system for 6 months which is about the time it takes for your marrow to produce new blood and as the last of the nicotine leaves your system you may/can get that insideous craving one last time. Got this info from a blood specialist my wife works with as I was quitting about 3.5 years ago. "Tell him to be ready for a big urge around the 6 month mark".... etc. I'd also gone through the various aids but finally went the cold turkey route. Not one drag since which is quite remarkable. As someone once said to me. " I've never met a professional smoker before." I'd [b]start[/b] the day with what's known as a Tow-Boaters Breakfast. A Pot and a Pack. Trouble was breakfast was served all day. Anyway.... good on ya.... just be aware of that one last urge. ___________________________________________________________________________ ?Privatize the Profits - Socialize the Losses.? Randi Rhodes
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