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@Webshaman: that may put off genuine new users (though we don't often get any). I know I joined up here to begin with because it seemed like a place that had members who knew what they were on about and I could instantly post my question. But I do like the Karma thing. I think GameFaqs has a Karma rule where new users can only post in existing topics to begin with, before they earn enough Karma (which is naturally gained from posts that aren't complained against) to create their own threads/topics. Perhaps we could also have Karma for using certain UBB codes also such as the URL one At least this way, if Spammers are doing this for a day job and trying to post just to get Karma, we will hopefully be able to judge them as Spammers and remove their accounts, and even make Karma only be rewarded once every 24hrs so they can't fast track through. [url=http://www.alebie.com][img]http://www.geocities.com/blaise69dude/images/BlaiseSig.gif[/img][/url]
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