OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
The Asylum now requires human level intellect to sign up!
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Argh, but the beauty of the Asylum is that it's quick and easy for people to make a post, I realise now we need to cater for handling Spam accounts more than new signups, but let's face it, these halls are getting quieter day by day, making it harder for someone to sign up, or having to wait on admins to be around to authenticate new users is just going to be a nightmare! If someone genuine comes along and makes a post it needs to be just as findable as any other post. If you don't like the Karma idea, how about a report spam button that *anyone* can use, this will either send a PM/email to a Mad Scientist, or send a message AND disable the post until it's been verified. [url=http://www.alebie.com][img]http://www.geocities.com/blaise69dude/images/BlaiseSig.gif[/img][/url]
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